I\'m having trouble with displaying image from db. I think that method for saving image is working, because I see in DB that varbinary fields have some value, and that image
I needed to register routes in my global.cs file like Mathias suggested.
Also i needed to modify action in my controller to this :
public FileContentResult GetImage(int productID)
Product product = products.GetByID(productID);
return File(product.ImageData.ToArray(), product.ImageMimeType);
I wish thank you all for your fast answers...
My guess is that you have a routing issue. If the url /product/getimage/18
should work for your action you need to have a route that looks something like this:
new { controller = "Product", action = "GetImage", productID = "" }
To confirm this you should use firebug and check the "net" tab (or set a breakpoint in your action and see if it gets hit when you load the page).
I would also recommend using the build in helpers to generate your urls (then this kind of problem will never happen). Instead of src='/product/getimage/<%= Html.Encode(product.ID) %>'
you can write src='<%=Url.Action("GetImage", "Product", new { productID = product.ID })%>'
Try to change you method to:
public void GetImage(int productID)
Product product = products.GetByID(productID);
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
I'm not much of an expert on MVC yet - but from what I can see, I think your GetImage function needs to be an Action Method inside your controller, so it'll need to return an ActionResult?
You'll probably need to set the Content-Type header in the response, too.
This guy looks like he knows what he's talking about...
You have:
<img src='/product/getimage/18' alt=""/>
Normally i'd say an image tag looks like this:
<img src='/product/getimage/18.jpg' alt=""/>