I am currently using SourceTree and Git for as my versioning tools and I only have two active projects that I am working on with it.
However, when I go to XCode -> S
After days of searching my entire machine for these values, thanks to one tip from this answer:
How to remove remote git urls from xcode?
With some ideas from the answer posted in that qustion, I managed to solve without deleting the whole file and losing all my data/preferences.
It seems that you will need to find com.apple.dt.XCode.plist
located in your Library/Preferences
Search for IDESourceControlRecentsFavoritesRepositoriesUserDefaultsKey
and there should be a list of items under that key. Unwanted repositories can be deleted from it and it will be reflected the next time XCode is restarted.
Just thought I would leave this here for those who wants to keep their XCode preferences uncluttered.