I need to produce the same output I produce in XML using JSON
For some tabular data that is in an Excel Worksheet, data is in the format:
Column1 Col
You should write the property name "Items"
only once, then for its value use JsonWriter.WriteStartArray() and JsonWriter.WriteEndArray() to start and end a JSON array, then write each row as an object nested in the array:
var sb = new StringBuilder();
using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb))
using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
var countAwait = 0;
jsonWriter.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;
jsonWriter.WriteStartObject(); // Write the opening of the root object
jsonWriter.WritePropertyName(RowElement); // Write the "Items" property name
jsonWriter.WriteStartArray(); // Write the opening of the "Items" array
for (int row = firstRow; row <= end.Row; row++)
if (countAwait >= 10)
ResultText = "Reading record " + count;
countAwait = 0;
jsonWriter.WriteStartObject(); // Write the beginning of an entry in the "Items" array
for (int col = start.Column; col <= end.Column; col++)
jsonWriter.WriteValue(GetCellStringValue(ws, row, col));
jsonWriter.WriteEndObject(); // Write the ending of an entry in the "Items" array
jsonWriter.WriteEndArray(); // Write the closing of the "Items" array.
jsonWriter.WriteEndObject(); // Write the closing of the root object
// No need to close explicitly when inside a using statement
(Here I am assuming that RowElement
corresponds to the "Items"