LVALUE means, that there isn't a variable the operation is supposed to be performed on.
C files are basically nothing but text files, which require a particular formatting, so the compiler can understand it.
Writing something like ++Variable++ is complete nonsense for the compiler.
You can basically imagine ++c as:
Var += 1;
return Var;
while c++ is:
int Buf = Var;
Var += 1;
return Buf;
To 'repair' your code:
void main() {
int a=1,b=5,c=3;
a = b + (++c); //Equals 5 + 4
printf("a=%d b= %d c= %d \n",a,b, ++c); //a = 9, b = 5, c = 5
This way, you'll get the result you wanted, without the compiler complaining.
Please remember, that when using ++c or c++ in a combined operation, the order DOES matter.
When using ++c, the higher value will be used in the operation, when using c++, it will operate with the old value.
That means:
int a, c = 5;
a = 5 + ++c; //a = 11
int a, c = 5;
a = 5 + c++; //a = 10
Because in the latter case, c will only be '6' AFTER it is added to 5 and stored in a.