How can I access the data contained in Google drive tables?
I created some basic apps after reading the tutorials, but I\'m unable to to see the sample data I entere
Option 1: Don't use Drive Tables
App Maker gives you power to connect to Cloud SQL instance, that you can access through Cloud Shell or connect with some tools like MySQL Workbench.
Option 2: Export data to spreadsheet
Regardless what data backend you are using you can dump all your data to spreadsheet.
Option 3: Drag'n'drop way
There is an option to keep Debug page and drop on it tables/forms for models you want to look it.
server-side API).Option 4: Drag'n'drop way (advanced edition!)
The basic idea is to create a page with dynamic table (to view/edit data) and form (to add records). Using this highly dynamic page will eliminate shortage #1 from the option #3:
This approach has similar pros and cons as previous one plus there are some App Maker limitations that make it hard to implement (but it is doable on some extent).