I know this question has been asked several times and I found so many tutorials, blog posts about converting timestamp to ago time in php..
I have tried countless c
Check this function intval() - http://php.net/manual/en/function.intval.php The following code should help you out
$seconds_ago = (time() - strtotime('2014-01-06 15:25:08'));
if ($seconds_ago >= 31536000) {
echo "Seen " . intval($seconds_ago / 31536000) . " years ago";
} elseif ($seconds_ago >= 2419200) {
echo "Seen " . intval($seconds_ago / 2419200) . " months ago";
} elseif ($seconds_ago >= 86400) {
echo "Seen " . intval($seconds_ago / 86400) . " days ago";
} elseif ($seconds_ago >= 3600) {
echo "Seen " . intval($seconds_ago / 3600) . " hours ago";
} elseif ($seconds_ago >= 60) {
echo "Seen " . intval($seconds_ago / 60) . " minutes ago";
} else {
echo "Seen less than a minute ago";
You should use the DateTime
class to get the difference between 2 times, ie;
$time1 = new DateTime('2014-10-06 09:00:59');
$now = new DateTime();
$interval = $time1->diff($now,true);
and then use that difference (which is a DateInterval
object, $interval
) to find the smallest time difference like this;
if ($interval->y) echo $interval->y . ' years';
elseif ($interval->m) echo $interval->m . ' months';
elseif ($interval->d) echo $interval->d . ' days';
elseif ($interval->h) echo $interval->h . ' hours';
elseif ($interval->i) echo $interval->i . ' minutes';
else echo "less than 1 minute";
which should echo (at time of writing) 13 hours
Hope this helps.