I want to split a small word. My word is written bellow.
{you: awesome; feeling good}
I want to split above word to just get the word
$arr = explode(';', trim("{you: awesome; feeling good}", '{}'));
$feel_good_string = trim($arr[1]);
echo $feel_good_string;
Other option would be....
$str = "{you: awesome; feeling good}";
$str = trim($str,"{}");
echo substr($str,strpos($str,";")+1);
You can use explode() in PHP for split string.
Example 1:
$string = '{you: awesome; feeling good}'; // your string
preg_match('/{(.*?)}/', $string, $match); // match inside the {}
$exploded = explode(";",$match[1]); // explode with ;
echo $exploded[1]; // feeling good
Example 2:
$string = '{you: awesome; feeling good}'; // your string
$exploded = explode(";", $string); // explode with ;
echo rtrim($exploded[1],"}"); // rtrim to remove ending }