Here is my code, I\'ve made a Plunker as the code is long:
describe(\"create\", function(){
it(\"Should be defined\", function(){
You can use httpBackend mock service that will help to test your $http.
describe('Myctrl', function() {
var $httpBackend, scope, createController, authRequestHandler;
// Set up the module
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
// Set up the mock http service responses
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
// backend definition common for all tests
authRequestHandler = $httpBackend.when('GET', 'service.json')
// Get hold of a scope (i.e. the root scope)
$rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
// The $controller service is used to create instances of controllers
var $controller = $injector.get('$controller');
createController = function() {
return $controller('MyController', {'$scope' : scope});
afterEach(function() {
it('should fetch authentication token', function() {
var controller = createController();