I am new to netbeans with glassfish server.My html code looks like,
To process HTTP multipart/form-data
requests in a servlet, use Apache Commons FileUpload. You should end up with the uploaded file in a FileItem. It has a write()
String filename = FilenameUtils.getName(fileItem.getName());
fileItem.write(new File("c:/upload", filename)); // Name must be unique!
For the usage guide and more code examples, just check their User Guide.
To display a list of files in the folder, you need to use the java.io.File API, it has a listFiles()
method which returns a list of all files (paths) in a certain path. Do it in a preprocessing servlet which forwards the request to a JSP to display the list.
File[] files = new File("c:/upload").listFiles();
request.setAttribute("files", files);
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/uploads.jsp").forward(request, response);
In the /WEB-INF/uploads.jsp
file use JSTL <c:forEach>
to iterate over the File[]
<c:forEach items="${files}" var="file">
<c:out value="${file.name}" /> (${file.length / 1024}KB)<br/>
Note that this is of course open for more (UI) finetuning, but that's up to you. I assume that you already know the HTML/JSP/Servlet basics.
you can do like that
Object path;
public void getDirectory(String path, Vector files, Vector folder){
File directory=new File(path);
File []file=directory.listFiles();
for(int i=0; i<file.length; i++){
Vector file=new Vector(), folder=new Vector();
for(int a=0; a<file.size(); a++){
<img src="images/editfileimg.jpg" alt="file">