I want to split a file into multiple files and save the file in date format.
Why doesn\'t this command work?
awk -v DATE= date \'+%d%m%Y\'-F\",\" \'N
@FARAH: Try:
awk -v DATE=$(date +%d%m%Y) -F"," 'NR>1 { print > "Test_" DATE ".CSV_"$1".csv"}' Input_file
As there is lack of information about samples and expected output so seeing that your command needs to some fine tuned, try above and let us know if this helps.
this should work
awk -F, -v date=$(date +%d%m%Y) 'NR>1{print > "Test_"date".CSV_"$1".csv"}' file
if not, try first
awk -v date=$(date +%d%m%Y) 'BEGIN{print date}'
to check whether date is correctly set as an awk