I am making admin portal, where admin can see the total number of current booking, for this we have to refresh table every 10 sec automatically and there wi
You could simply use jQuery datatables. This is a fully featured jQuery plugin for tables with huge data sets, which supports things like refreshing in a given time interval. See here
Try below code: - Use setInterval
1st Step :
You should create one common function which will fetch all data form Database
as below.
function fetchData(){
$(".data-contacts-js tbody").empty(); // this will remove all <tr>.
$.get("http://localhost:8080/Hotels/reservation/getAllBookingDetails", function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i, contact) {
"<tr><td>" + contact.custId + "</td>" +
"<td>" + contact.custName + "</td>" +
"<td>" + contact.custMobile + "</td>" +
"<td>" + contact.custEmail + "</td>" +
"<td>" + contact.custAddress + "</td>" +
"<td>" + contact.Date + "</td>" +
"<td>" + contact.Time + "</td></tr>"
Step 2:
Make function which will call function automatically in every 10 sec. using SetInterval
as below.
},10000); // this will call your fetchData function for every 10 Sec.
Step 3:
Make one event function for refresh
button click event
and put this function in .ready()
$('#fetchContacts').click(function() {
Change your jQuery:
$(".data-contacts-js tbody").append( /*This nests properly in html*/
and before your
remember to remove all the children :)
$(".data-contacts-js tbody").empty();
If you then want to use exactly the same code to run (on a refresh, not just a fetch) with an abort:
var getDataTimeoutId = null,
refetchTime = 10 /* time in seconds */
isFetching = false,
getData = function(){
if (isFetching) {return;}
if (getDataTimeoutId !== null){
getDataTimeoutId = null;
isFetching = true;
/* ajax get */
setDataTimeout(); /* Only auto re-get if there wasn't an error */
isFetching = false; /* always clear the status */
setDataTimeout = function(){
getDataTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(function(){
}, refetchTime * 1000);
This means that the code will run every 10s, or a click. But won't hammer the server for multiple pending requests.