I have a input dataframe: df_input (updated df_input)
|11 |a |a1 |
|12 |a |a2 |
You can simply use regex_replace
like this:
df.withColumn("new_col", regex_replace(col("inp_val"), "&", ""))
Can you tryout this solution. Your approach may run into whole lot of problems.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
#Test data
tst = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1,'a','3'),(1,'a','4'),(1,'b','5'),(1,'b','7'),(2,'c','&b'),(2,'c','&a'),(2,'d','&b')],schema=['col1','col2','col3'])
# extract the special character out
tst_1 = tst.withColumn("col3_extract",F.substring(F.col('col3'),2,1))
# Selecct which values need to be replaced; withColumnRenamed will also solve spark self join issues
# The substring search can also be done using regex function
# For the selected data, perform a collect list
tst_clct = tst_filter.groupby('col2_collect').agg(F.collect_list('col3').alias('col3_collect'))
#%% Join the main table with the collected list
tst_join = tst_1.join(tst_clct,on=tst_1.col3_extract==tst_clct.col2_collect,how='left').drop('col2_collect')
#%% In the column3 replace the values such as a, b
tst_result = tst_join.withColumn("result",F.when(~F.col('col3').contains('&'),F.array(F.col('col3'))).otherwise(F.col('col3_collect')))
Results :
| 2| c| &a| a| [3, 4]|[3, 4]|
| 2| c| &b| b| [7, 5]|[7, 5]|
| 2| d| &b| b| [7, 5]|[7, 5]|
| 1| a| 3| | null| [3]|
| 1| a| 4| | null| [4]|
| 1| b| 5| | null| [5]|
| 1| b| 7| | null| [7]|
Try this, self-join
with collected list
on rlike join condition
is the way to go.
df.show() #sampledataframe
#| 11| a| 1|
#| 12| a| 2|
#| 15| b| 5|
#| 16| b| 6|
#| 17| c| &b|
#| 17| c| 7|
.withColumnRenamed("input_col","x1"),F.expr("""input_val rlike x1"""),'left')\
.withColumn("new_col", F.when(F.col("input_val").cast("int").isNotNull(), F.array("input_val"))\
#| 11| a| 1| [1]|
#| 12| a| 2| [2]|
#| 15| b| 5| [5]|
#| 16| b| 6| [6]|
#| 17| c| &b| [5, 6]|
#| 17| c| 7| [7]|