I have an issue with running my JavaFX/Gluon Mobile App on iPadOS 13.3 Actually the similar issue is described here: Gluon sample application failing on ios devices I\'ve id
This is a temporary solution until the JavaFXPorts repository gets updated. There seems to be an issue with iOS 13.3 and JavaFX native libraries that's why apps crash even when using the latest 2.3.10-SNAPSHOT.
The breaking line of code was identified yesterday by Demyan Kimitsa who suggested to remove assert from the following native class
assert(pthread_key_create(&GlassThreadDataKey, NULL) == 0);
thread_key_create(&GlassThreadDataKey, NULL) == 0;
I have created a build with the above change in native libraries and with the use of RoboVM 2.3.10-SNAPSHOT everything runs normal again even in the latest iOS.
Now that the issue is identified, I believe it is a matter of time until a new JavaFXPorts fix is published.
If you can't wait, you can download the HelloWorld sample with the new binaries from here. Adjust the parameters in build.gradle and you are ready to go.