Is it possible to get the text area of a NumericUpDown control? I\'m looking to get it\'s size so that I can mask it with a panel. I don\'t want the user to be able to edit
Set the ReadOnly property to true, that's all.
You can get this by using a Label control instead of the baked-in TextBox control. Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox onto your form.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class UpDownLabel : NumericUpDown {
private Label mLabel;
private TextBox mBox;
public UpDownLabel() {
mBox = this.Controls[1] as TextBox;
mBox.Enabled = false;
mLabel = new Label();
mLabel.Location = mBox.Location;
mLabel.Size = mBox.Size;
protected override void UpdateEditText() {
if (mLabel != null) mLabel.Text = mBox.Text;
The 'proper' way to do this is to create an Up-Down control and a Label (the label can't be selected or edited). However, the authors of Windows Forms, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that we don't need the Up-Down control and so they didn't provide a .NET wrapper for one. They decided that the only reason we could ever want an Up-Down control is when paired with a TextBox control.
The Up-Down control is simple enough to create a light wrapper if you want to go this route:
Edit 1
Edit 2
I blogged about it here:
If you want do disallow manual editing, you can just set ReadOnly
property to true
updown.ReadOnly = true;
If you want to disallow selecting too (I wonder why you need this), you can use reflection. I don't think there's better way, because the field upDownEdit
is internal field of UpDownBase
FieldInfo editProp = updown.GetType().GetField("upDownEdit", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
TextBox edit = (TextBox)editProp.GetValue(updown);
edit.Enabled = false;