I\'m attempting to implement a circular queue class in Java. And in doing so I had to created a node class to group together elements and pointers to the next node. Being ci
You cannot refer tho this (or super) in a constructor, so you should change your code like this:
public class Node<Key>{
private Key key;
private Node<Key> next;
public Node(){
key = null;
next = this;
public Node(final Key k){
key = null;
next = this;
public Node(final Key k, final Node<Key> node){
key = k;
next = node;
public boolean isEmpty(){return key == null;}
public Key getKey(){return key;}
public void setKey(final Key k){key = k;}
public Node<Key> getNext(){return next;}
public void setNext(final Node<Key> n){next = n;}
Can not pass "this" as a parameter to call the constructor.
The compile error is
Cannot refer to 'this' nor 'super' while explicitly invoking a constructor
Basically, you cannot use "this
" from inside "this(...)
You dont need to pass it in all cases. since you can refer to it in the other construtor