This is a decompilation of the function.
* + 8: arg0
* + 4: Return Address
* EBP 0: Old EBP
* - 4: Saved EDI
* - 8: Saved ESI
* -12: Saved EBX
* -25: NUL character
* -31: Beginning of 6-char string
* ESP+4 = -52: argument 1 for callees
* ESP+0 = -56: argument 0 for callees
u8 GBL0[16] = {,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,};/* ADDRESS 0x804a4e0 */
u8 GBL1[] = {,,,,,,'\0'}; /* ADDRESS 0x804a4b7 */
phase_5(i8* arg0){
i8 PAD0[12];/* ADDRESS EBP-0x18 */
u8 LOC0[7]; /* ADDRESS EBP-0x1f */
i8 PAD1[25];/* ADDRESS EBP-0x38 = ESP+0 */
/* The range [EBP-56, EBP-48) corresponds to
the range [ESP+0, ESP+8) and is used to
place arguments for function calls. */
register int eax;/* In EAX */
if(string_length(arg0) != 6){
LOC0[eax] = GBL0[arg0[eax] & 0xF];
LOC0[6] = '\0';/* ADDRESS EBP-0x19 */
if(eax = strings_not_equal(LOC0, GBL1)){
return eax;/* Maybe? */
Essentially, it does not explode the bomb if and only if the argument is a 6-character "string" that is successfully substitution-decyphered into a 6-character string equal to some password.