I want to run Oracle Forms standalone without any web-browser with java plugin.
Is there a way to call a compiled .fmx
form directly via some java application o
Inofficial contradiction: Yes, it's possible :-)
Oracle support says it is officially not supported, but you can use Web Start (again not supported by Oracle).
Support recommended this link: http://groundside.com/blog/JanCarlin.php?title=forms_and_java_web_start and our developers tried and succeeded. You can run it as local application without need of a web browser (looks like an applet without browser window around).
Update (2013-01-18): The blog seems to have moved/old entries vanished. See here at archive.org for original article: http://web.archive.org/web/20090303153527/http://groundside.com/blog/JanCarlin.php?title=forms_and_java_web_start&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
No it's not possible. Oracle forms 9i and above are web only releases. All the architecture needed to execute the fmx is now located within the Oracle Application Server.
The 2nd question from this link explains that Forms 9i (which 10g and later are built on) are web only releases