I have some archived Slack data that I am trying to get some of key message properties. I\'d done this by stupidly flattening the entire list, getting a data.frame or tibble
Depending on the desired output, I would probably use a simple recursive function here.
get_elements <- function(x, element) {
if(element %in% names(x)) x[[element]]
else lapply(x, get_elements, element = element)
This allows:
get_elements(l, "type")
#> $folder_1
#> $folder_1$`msg_1-1`
#> [1] "message"
#> $folder_1$`msg_1-2`
#> [1] "message"
#> $folder_2
#> $folder_2$`msg_2-1`
#> [1] "message"
Or if you want to get all "users":
get_elements(l, "user")
#> $folder_1
#> $folder_1$`msg_1-1`
#> [1] "UFUNNF8MA"
#> $folder_1$`msg_1-2`
#> [1] "UNFUNQ8MA"
#> $folder_2
#> $folder_2$`msg_2-1`
#> [1] "UQKUNF8MA"
You could obviously unlist the result if you prefer it flattened into a vector.
unlist(get_elements(l, "type"))
#> folder_1.msg_1-1 folder_1.msg_1-2 folder_2.msg_2-1
#> "message" "message" "message"
As OP mentioned, this can solve the issue:
folder_1.msg_1-1.type folder_1.msg_1-2.type folder_2.msg_2-1.type
"message" "message" "message"
Another options are (Many thanks and credit to @Abdessabour Mtk)
purrr::map(l, ~ purrr::map(.x, "type"))
Related to those provided by @Duck & @Abdessabour Mtk yesterday, purrr has a function map_depth()
that will let you get a named attribute if you know its name and how deep it is in the hierarchy. REALLY useful when crawling this big nested lists, and is a simpler solution to the nested map()
calls above.
purrr::map_depth(l, 2, "type")
Another option is to use rrapply()
in the rrapply
## return unlisted vector
rrapply(l, condition = function(x, .xname) .xname == "type", how = "unlist")
#> folder_1.msg_1-1.type folder_1.msg_1-2.type folder_2.msg_2-1.type
#> "message" "message" "message"
## return melted data.frame
rrapply(l, condition = function(x, .xname) .xname == "type", how = "melt")
#> L1 L2 L3 value
#> 1 folder_1 msg_1-1 type message
#> 2 folder_1 msg_1-2 type message
#> 3 folder_2 msg_2-1 type message