I\'m trying to change the caption of many labels
using regular way:
form1.label1.caption := \'1\';
form1.label2.caption := \'2\';
If you want to change all labels on the form, you can use something like this:
for i := 0 to Form1.ComponentCount do
if Form1.Components[i] is TLabel then
TLabel(Form1.Components[i]).Caption := IntToStr(i + 1);
If labels are on Panel or some other container, you can limit this by replacing Form1 by eg "Form1.Panel1". You can also use eg. the tag property of components to easily select which labels you want to change.
Create your controls dynamically. If you need to retain references to them hold those references in an array. For example, this is the general pattern.
FLabels: array of TLabel;
SetLength(FLabels, Count);
for i := 0 to Count-1 do
FLabels[i] := TLabel.Create(Self);
FLabels[i].Parent := Self;
FLabels[i].Caption := IntToStr(i+1);
FLabels[i].Left := 8;
FLabels[i].Top := 8 + i*20;
If you are sure you have 50 labels label1, label2 .. label50
The solution could be like this:
var lbl: TLabel;
for i:=1 to 50 do
lbl := FindComponent('Label'+IntToStr(i)) as TLabel;
lbl.Caption := IntToStr(i);