There is a really simple solution using undocumented features of CERTUTIL. You can use the
verb with an undocumented format at the end to directly get your desired output of base 64 all on one line without any headers.
certutil -encodehex -f sample.pdf B64.txt 0x40000001
See the DosTips More Tricks with certutil thread for more information. Especially look at this 4th post for a detailed explanation of all the format options.
This may do what you want. If you are on a supported Windows system, PowerShell will be available.
SET "FILENAME=C:\src\t\sample.pdf"
SET "OUTFILENAME=C:\src\t\B64.txt"
powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command ^
"[Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('%FILENAME%')) |" ^
"Out-File -FilePath '%OUTFILENAME%' -Encoding ascii -NoNewline"
- Edit:
You can use a bat/cmd file with a c# code.
Then you will compile it and run it at run time to get all the strings in one line ...
1) Edit: cd /d "D:\Path\to\file\"
, adding the drive:\and\path\to\your\directory
2) Save this code below as File OneLine.cmd
/* 2>nul & @cls & @echo off & title <nul & title %~nx0 & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "D:\Path\to\file\" && set "_b64_file=%__CD__%\B64.txt"
"%__APPDIR__%certutil.exe" -encode -f ".\sample.pdf" "!_b64_file!" >nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%c in ('%__APPDIR__%where.exe /r "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET" csc.exe
')do >2nul >nul "%%~c" /t:exe /out:"%tmp%\OneLine.exe" "%~f0" /platform:anycpu /unsafe+ /w:0 /o /nologo && goto :next
"%tmp%\OneLine.exe" & 2>nul >nul del /q /f "%tmp%\OneLine.exe" & endlocal && goto :EOF || rem :: */
using System; using System.IO;using System.Text;namespace OneLineB64 {class Program {static void Main(string[] args){
String Path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_b64_file");String alllines = (File.ReadAllText(Path).Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""));
alllines = alllines.Remove(0,27); alllines = alllines.Remove((alllines.Length)-25);File.WriteAllText(Path, alllines);}}}
/* 2>nul & @cls
@echo off
title <nul
title %~nx0
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "D:\Path\to\file\"
set "_b64_file=%__CD__%\B64.txt"
"%__APPDIR__%certutil.exe" -encode -f ".\sample.pdf" "!_b64_file!" >nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%c in ('%__APPDIR__%where.exe /r "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET" csc.exe')do (
>2nul >nul "%%~c" /t:exe /out:"%tmp%\OneLine.exe" "%~f0" /platform:anycpu /unsafe+ /w:0 /o /nologo && goto :next
2>nul >nul del /q /f "%tmp%\OneLine.exe"
goto :EOF
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace OneLineB64
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
String Path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_b64_file");
String alllines = (File.ReadAllText(Path).Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""));
alllines = alllines.Remove(0,27);
alllines = alllines.Remove((alllines.Length)-25);
File.WriteAllText(Path, alllines);
File Class
SubString/Remove Characters in String
Get System Environment Variable string
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable Method
- /end Edit:
Understanding the maximum character limit in the variable length, it is not possible to do it beyond 8191 digits/characters
For remove lines you can use only certificate, because this word is present in 1st and last line.
+ -f
for overwrite file out if exist
type B64.txt^|"%__APPDIR__%find.exe" /v "CERTIFICATE"
will ignore the 1st and last line
set "_b64=!_b64!%%~b"
will save line by line in the same variable/1 line
>B64.txt echo/!_b64!
will replace/overwrite the contents of the file with the value saved in the variable (b64 strings on one line)
@echo off && setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "d:\filePath" && set "_b64="<nul
"%__APPDIR__%certutil.exe" -encode -f sample.pdf B64.txt >nul && for /f %%b in (
'type B64.txt^|"%__APPDIR__%find.exe" /v "CERTIFICATE"')do set "_b64=!_b64!%%~b"
>B64.txt set/p "'=!_b64: =!"<nul & endlocal && exit /b
Same code in conventional layout:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "d:\filePath"
set "_b64="<nul
"%__APPDIR__%certutil.exe" -encode -f sample.pdf B64.txt >nul
for /f %%b in ('type B64.txt^|"%__APPDIR__%find.exe" /v "CERTIFICATE"')do set "_b64=!_b64!%%~b"
>B64.txt set/p "'=!_b64: =!"<nul
goto :EOF