I\'ve written a read-write lock using Python\'s concurrency primitives (I think!). Every implementation I\'ve read on SO or elsewhere seems to use 2 locks -- one for reads,
You are not using a single lock.
You are using a lock and a condition variable
self.read_lock = t.Condition(t.Lock())
A condition variable is a concurrency primitive too. A more complex one than a lock.
note : please do not call a condition variable object read_lock
Your code seems correct to me, as it solves the First readers-writers problem. As you said it may starve writer. This is not a small issue. The logic behind reader writer is that there may be a lot more reads than writes
An additional lock allow to solve the Second readers-writers problem, where a writer doesn't starve. Indeed, readers have to wait when there is a writer waiting for the resource.
One more solution using a lock and a condition. Takes care of the starvation issue and also supports promotion of a read lock to write lock when requested from the same thread.
# From O'Reilly Python Cookbook by David Ascher, Alex Martelli
# With changes to cover the starvation situation where a continuous
# stream of readers may starve a writer, Lock Promotion and Context Managers
class ReadWriteLock:
""" A lock object that allows many simultaneous "read locks", but
only one "write lock." """
def __init__(self, withPromotion=False):
self._read_ready = threading.Condition(threading.RLock( ))
self._readers = 0
self._writers = 0
self._promote = withPromotion
self._readerList = [] # List of Reader thread IDs
self._writerList = [] # List of Writer thread IDs
def acquire_read(self):
logging.debug("RWL : acquire_read()")
""" Acquire a read lock. Blocks only if a thread has
acquired the write lock. """
self._read_ready.acquire( )
while self._writers > 0:
self._readers += 1
self._read_ready.release( )
def release_read(self):
logging.debug("RWL : release_read()")
""" Release a read lock. """
self._read_ready.acquire( )
self._readers -= 1
if not self._readers:
self._read_ready.notifyAll( )
self._read_ready.release( )
def acquire_write(self):
logging.debug("RWL : acquire_write()")
""" Acquire a write lock. Blocks until there are no
acquired read or write locks. """
self._read_ready.acquire( ) # A re-entrant lock lets a thread re-acquire the lock
self._writers += 1
while self._readers > 0:
# promote to write lock, only if all the readers are trying to promote to writer
# If there are other reader threads, then wait till they complete reading
if self._promote and threading.get_ident() in self._readerList and set(self._readerList).issubset(set(self._writerList)):
self._read_ready.wait( )
def release_write(self):
logging.debug("RWL : release_write()")
""" Release a write lock. """
self._writers -= 1
self._read_ready.notifyAll( )
self._read_ready.release( )
class ReadRWLock:
# Context Manager class for ReadWriteLock
def __init__(self, rwLock):
self.rwLock = rwLock
def __enter__(self):
return self # Not mandatory, but returning to be safe
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
return False # Raise the exception, if exited due to an exception
class WriteRWLock:
# Context Manager class for ReadWriteLock
def __init__(self, rwLock):
self.rwLock = rwLock
def __enter__(self):
return self # Not mandatory, but returning to be safe
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
return False # Raise the exception, if exited due to an exception