Is it possible for xml files that are part of \'includes\' inside build.xml to have depends on targets from that build.xml (backwards dependency)? Or do I need to create a c
This works for me: In the main project file the target default depends on a target from commontasks.xml
which depends on a target from the main project file:
<project name="main" default="default">
<import file="commontasks.xml" as="common" />
<target name="default" depends="common.hello" description="the main project">
<target name="initMain">
<echo>initializing main</echo>
<property name="aValue" value="MAIN" />
<project name="commontasks" >
<target name="hello" depends="initMain">
<echo>hello from common tasks</echo>
<echo>aValue: ${aValue}</echo>
When I run the ant build, I get:
[echo] initializing main
[echo] hello from common tasks
[echo] aValue: MAIN
The dependency is target default
depends on hello
depends on initMain
and hello
can use properties defined in initMain