I want to use Inno Setup for my program installation and I need Inno Setup to create a task in Windows Task Scheduler to launch my program.exe
every time the in
As with any other obscure scheduling settings, you have to use XML definition of the task.
The easiest is to configure the task in Windows Task Scheduler GUI, select the created task and choose Export command.
It will create an XML definition of the task, which will contain something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
<!-- ... -->
<Subscription><QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational"><Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProfile/Operational">*[System[Provider[@Name='NetworkProfile'] and EventID=10000]]</Select></Query></QueryList></Subscription>
<!-- ... -->
Edit the XML to remove everything, what is specific to your computer.
And then use the exported XML as a template for a file, that you will create on the fly in the installer with an actual path to your installed application:
Filename: "schtasks.exe"; \
Parameters: "/Create /TN MyTask /XML ""{tmp}\Task.xml"""; \
StatusMsg: "Scheduling task..."; Flags: runhidden; BeforeInstall: CreateTaskXml
procedure CreateTaskXml;
TaskXml: string;
TaskXml :=
'<?xml version="1.0"?>' + #13#10 +
'<Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">'
+ #13#10 +
' <Triggers>' + #13#10 +
{ The EventTrigger here }
' </Triggers>' + #13#10 +
{ ... }
' <Actions Context="Author">' + #13#10 +
' <Exec>' + #13#10 +
' <Command>' + ExpandConstant('{app}\MyProg.exe') + '</Command>' + #13#10 +
' </Exec>' + #13#10 +
' </Actions>' + #13#10 +
'</Task>' + #13#10;
if SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Task.xml'), TaskXml, False) then
Log('Task XML successfully created');
Log('Failed to create task XML');
The SaveStringToFile function in CreateTaskXml
creates the XML in Ansi encoding. If you need Unicode, you have to create the XML in UTF-16 encoding (schtasks
does not support UTF-8).