How to Add a “Like” Button to my FaceBook Landing Tab?

前端 未结 3 1213
北海茫月 2021-01-16 10:49

My FaceBook Page is setup so that users who have not \"Liked\" the page yet (and attempt to view the page) are presented with the content of a particular tab instead of the

  • 2021-01-16 11:25

    Apparently like buttons aren't supported in the current implementation of FBML, which is the only language you can use inside the "tabs" on a facebook canvas page. You may notice that a number of professionally done sites put a big arrow pointing up and then a "click the like button" text, without actually using a like button. This is why they do that.

    Until facebook implements XFBML inside tabs, it looks like any XFBML only tags (such as fb:like) can only be used on your personal website. I think they do this for security reasons, although it does seem a little ridiculous that there are features you can use on your own page that facebook doesn't actually support on -their- pages.

    The only workaround I have found is to include fb:comments tag in your app, which is an FBML tag that puts up a comments box AND a like button.

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  • 2021-01-16 11:30

    First of all, make sure you page is loaded in html mode instead of FBML.

    1, Load the FB JS

    <script src=";xfbml=1"></script>

    2, Init the FB (sometimes it doesn't work without this)


    3, Put the like button where do you want

    <fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" width="90" show_faces="false" font="arial"></fb:like>

    The like will appear, but will not make page refresh, so you have to take care the flow yourself.

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  • 2021-01-16 11:40

    In order to get a Like button, go to, fill out the appropriate information and press "Get Code". This will open up a modal window with the necessary code. Copy that code into your program, and you're done.

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