In MS Excel I would like to use a formula to extract only the word from a cell that contains a specific character (\"=\") within the text.
A2: Dolly made me a homem
I used 5 helper columns to do this; they could be collapsed into one very long forumula, but I prefer it this way (easier to track down source of any errors I think). Given the strings you have in A2; In B2 this finds location of "="
In C2 this finds the instance number of the " " preceeding the "="
=B2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,1,B2)," ",""))
In D2 this notes the location of that " "
In E2 this locates the " " trailing the "=", or if the "=" appears in the final word in the cell it notes the full cell length +1
Using these values in F2 this pulls the string from the preceeding " " to the trailing " "
Use an old text parsing trick that greatly increases the distance between the words with repeating zeroes through the SUBSTITUTE and REPT functions which affords a larger swipe of the intended substring.
The formula in B2 is,
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2, " ", REPT(" ", 99)), MAX(1, FIND("=", SUBSTITUTE(A2, " ", REPT(" ", 99)))-50), 99))
The TRIM function (used as a wrapper) removes leading and trailing spaces.