I am using Meteor and the Twitter API for a project. I want to get information on a user from Twitter. I wrote a function that for example returns only the location of a use
Firstly when data is returned from the server you need to use a synchronous call, as the callback will return the data when the server already thinks the meteor method has completed. (the callback will be fired at a later time, when the data is returned from the server, by which time the meteor client would have already got a response)
var result = Meteor.http.get("https://api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json?screen_name="+ username +"&include_entities=true");
if (result.statusCode === 200) {
var respJson = JSON.parse(result.content);
console.log("location works");
return (respJson.location)
}else {
return ( "Unknown user ")
The second is you need to use a Session hash to return the data from the template. This is because it will take time to get the response and the getLocation would expect an instant result (without a callback). At the moment client side javascript can't use synchronous api calls like on the server.
Template.profile.getLocation= function(){
return Session.get("twitterlocation");
Use the template created event to fire the meteor call:
Template.profile.created = function() {
Meteor.call("getTwitterLocation","BillGates", function(err,result) {
if(result && !err) {
Session.set("twitterlocation", result);
Session.set("twitterlocation", "Error");
Twitter has since updated its API to 1.1 a few modifications are required:
You now need to swap over to the 1.1 api by using 1.1 instead of 1. In addition you need to OAuth your requests. See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/authorizing-request. Below contains sample data but you need to get proper keys
var authkey = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key="xvz1evFS4wEEPTGEFPHBog",
oauth_timestamp=""+(new Date().getTime()/1000).toFixed(0)+"",
Be sure to remove the newlines, I've wrapped it to make it easy to read.
var result = Meteor.http.get("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name="+ username +"&include_entities=true",{headers:{Authorization : authkey});
If you find this a bit troublesome it might be easier to just use a package like https://github.com/Sewdn/meteor-twitter-api via meteorite to OAuth your requests for you.