I am new to Flask SQl alchemy; Though i understand that alchemy abstracts the sql syntax and makes things easy while creating models; there could be times when we want to vi
For the first query, use db.func.count
to produce the count expression. Everything else should be obvious from the docs.
status_counts = db.session.query(BarBaz.status, db.func.count(BarBaz.id).label('count_id')
).filter(db.not_(db.or_(BarBaz.name == 'Foo', BarBaz.name == 'Bar'))
For the second query, use subquery() to produce selectable queries.
sub_app = db.session.query(db.func.count(Instance.id).label('app')
).filter(db.not_(db.or_(Instance.name == 'erf', Instance.tiername == 'wer')), Instance.type == 'app'
sub_adc = db.session.query(db.func.count(Instance.id).label('adc')
).filter(db.not_(db.or_(Instance2.name == 'visq', Instance2.name == 'werf')), Instance2.type == 'adc'
out = db.session.query(sub_app.c.app, sub_adc.c.adc).all()