I want the nested XML file to query from AWS Athena using AWS glue.
Currently, Amazon Athena does not support the XML file format. You may find the list of supported formats here: Supported SerDes and Data Formats - Amazon Athena
Since AWS Glue supports XML as an ETL input format (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-programming-etl-format.html), you may first convert your data from XML to JSON and then query the JSON data using Athena.
Athena cannot process XML file(s) directly. So, we need to any of the format's (CSV/JSON/etc..) which Athena supports.
1) Crawl XML file in Glue (Give proper rowTag value)
2) Write a Glue job to convert XML to CSV/JSON
3) Crawl converted CSV/JSON