Obtaining absolute deviation from mean for two sets of scores

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旧巷少年郎 2021-01-16 10:28

To obtain absolute deviation from the mean for two groups of scores, I usually need to write long codes in R such as the ones shown below.


I was won

  • 2021-01-16 10:34

    How about

    score <- lapply(split(y, groups), FUN = function (u) abs(u - mean(u)))


    score <- ave(y, groups, FUN = function (u) abs(u - mean(u)))

    The results are organized in a different way. Choose the one that is most comfortable to you.

    There is something wrong with your wording. mad returns a single statistic / value for data. For example,

    sapply(split(y, groups), mad)

    You are not vectorizing mad, but simply computing the deviation for each datum as your example code shows.

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  • 2021-01-16 11:00

    If you stick everything in a data.frame, it's much cleaner. In base R,

    df <- data.frame(y = rnorm(20),
                     group = rep(1:2, each = 10))
    df$abs_dev <- with(df, ave(y, group, FUN = function(x){abs(mean(x) - x)}))
    #>               y  group    abs_dev
    #> 1   1.262954285      1 0.90403032
    #> 2  -0.326233361      1 0.68515732
    #> 3   1.329799263      1 0.97087530
    #> 4   1.272429321      1 0.91350536
    #> 5   0.414641434      1 0.05571747
    #> 6  -1.539950042      1 1.89887401
    #> 7  -0.928567035      1 1.28749100
    #> 8  -0.294720447      1 0.65364441
    #> 9  -0.005767173      1 0.36469114
    #> 10  2.404653389      1 2.04572943
    #> 11  0.763593461      2 1.12607477
    #> 12 -0.799009249      2 0.43652794
    #> 13 -1.147657009      2 0.78517570
    #> 14 -0.289461574      2 0.07301974
    #> 15 -0.299215118      2 0.06326619
    #> 16 -0.411510833      2 0.04902952
    #> 17  0.252223448      2 0.61470476
    #> 18 -0.891921127      2 0.52943981
    #> 19  0.435683299      2 0.79816461
    #> 20 -1.237538422      2 0.87505711

    or dplyr,

    df <- data_frame(y = rnorm(20),
                     group = rep(1:2, each = 10))
    df <- df %>% group_by(group) %>% mutate(abs_dev = abs(mean(y) - y))
    #> # A tibble: 20 x 3
    #> # Groups:   group [2]
    #>               y  group    abs_dev
    #>           <dbl>  <int>      <dbl>
    #>  1  1.262954285      1 0.90403032
    #>  2 -0.326233361      1 0.68515732
    #>  3  1.329799263      1 0.97087530
    #>  4  1.272429321      1 0.91350536
    #>  5  0.414641434      1 0.05571747
    #>  6 -1.539950042      1 1.89887401
    #>  7 -0.928567035      1 1.28749100
    #>  8 -0.294720447      1 0.65364441
    #>  9 -0.005767173      1 0.36469114
    #> 10  2.404653389      1 2.04572943
    #> 11  0.763593461      2 1.12607477
    #> 12 -0.799009249      2 0.43652794
    #> 13 -1.147657009      2 0.78517570
    #> 14 -0.289461574      2 0.07301974
    #> 15 -0.299215118      2 0.06326619
    #> 16 -0.411510833      2 0.04902952
    #> 17  0.252223448      2 0.61470476
    #> 18 -0.891921127      2 0.52943981
    #> 19  0.435683299      2 0.79816461
    #> 20 -1.237538422      2 0.87505711

    or data.table:

    dt <- data.table(y = rnorm(20),
                     group = rep(1:2, each = 10))
    dt[, abs_dev := abs(mean(y) - y), by = group][]
    #>                y group    abs_dev
    #>  1:  1.262954285     1 0.90403032
    #>  2: -0.326233361     1 0.68515732
    #>  3:  1.329799263     1 0.97087530
    #>  4:  1.272429321     1 0.91350536
    #>  5:  0.414641434     1 0.05571747
    #>  6: -1.539950042     1 1.89887401
    #>  7: -0.928567035     1 1.28749100
    #>  8: -0.294720447     1 0.65364441
    #>  9: -0.005767173     1 0.36469114
    #> 10:  2.404653389     1 2.04572943
    #> 11:  0.763593461     2 1.12607477
    #> 12: -0.799009249     2 0.43652794
    #> 13: -1.147657009     2 0.78517570
    #> 14: -0.289461574     2 0.07301974
    #> 15: -0.299215118     2 0.06326619
    #> 16: -0.411510833     2 0.04902952
    #> 17:  0.252223448     2 0.61470476
    #> 18: -0.891921127     2 0.52943981
    #> 19:  0.435683299     2 0.79816461
    #> 20: -1.237538422     2 0.87505711
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