I am using spark-sql 2.4.x version , datastax-spark-cassandra-connector for Cassandra-3.x version. Along with kafka.
I have rates meta data of currenc
Replace your last code part with below code. This code will do left join
and calculate date difference calc_date
& rate_date
. Next Window
function we will pick nearest date and calculate prev_sales
by using same your calculation.
Please note I have added one filter condition
filter(col("diff") >=0)
, which will handle a case ofcalc_date < rate_date
. I have added few more records for better understanding of this case.
scala> ratesMetaDataDf.show
|base_code| rate_date|rate_value|target_code|
| EUR|2019-05-10| 1.130657| USD|
| EUR|2019-05-09| 1.12088| USD|
| EUR|2019-12-20| 1.1584| USD|
scala> kafkaDf.show
|companyId|year|quarter|sales|code| calc_date|c_code|prev_sales|
| 15|2016| 4|100.5| USD|2021-01-20| EUR| 221.4|
| 15|2016| 4|100.5| USD|2019-06-20| EUR| 221.4|
scala> val W = Window.partitionBy("companyId","year","quarter","sales","code","calc_date","c_code","prev_sales").orderBy(col("diff"))
scala> val rateJoinResultDf= kafkaDf.alias("k").join(ratesMetaDataDf.alias("r"), col("k.c_code") === col("r.base_code"), "left")
.withColumn("diff",datediff(col("calc_date"), col("rate_date")))
.filter(col("diff") >= 0)
.withColumn("closedate", row_number.over(W))
.filter(col("closedate") === 1)
.drop("diff", "closedate")
.withColumn("prev_sales", (col("prev_sales") * col("rate_value")).cast("Decimal(14,5)"))
.select("companyId", "year","quarter","sales","code","calc_date","prev_sales")
scala> rateJoinResultDf.show
|companyId|year|quarter|sales|code| calc_date|prev_sales|
| 15|2016| 4|100.5| USD|2021-01-20| 256.46976|
| 15|2016| 4|100.5| USD|2019-06-20| 250.32746|