I\'m trying to use the pexpect module pxssh to log in into my one of my server. I get password refused. I think I know what it is the problem, but can\'t figure out how to f
This error came for ssh is lock.so open the terminals and execute that command
xxxx@toad:~$ rm .ssh/known_hosts
remove the known_hosts
another options is you login in windows means check command prompt. if you try to login in windows means use for pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn('ssh tiger@ -p 8888')
child.logfile = open("/tmp/mylog", "w")
print child.before
child.expect('.*Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?')
child.expect('Press any key to continue...')
pxssh uses the shell prompt to synchronize output from the remote host.
In order to make this more robust it sets the shell prompt to something more unique than just $ or #. This should work on most Borne/Bash or Csh style shells. Refer http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/code-snippets-source-code/ssh-connection-with-python/
I don't know if you are right on your diagnostic, I don't think the banner can cause that but a wrong prompt can do it for sure. Look at the code to be sure. http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/lldb/lldb-69/test/pexpect-2.4/pxssh.py
Especially that part:
elif i==2: # password prompt again
# For incorrect passwords, some ssh servers will
# ask for the password again, others return 'denied' right away.
# If we get the password prompt again then this means
# we didn't get the password right the first time.
raise ExceptionPxssh ('password refused')
Disclaimer: this is not my code but Pxssh code. Why not using paramiko (http://www.lag.net/paramiko/) or pexpect directly?