I\'m trying to create a Lift chat server. I\'ve taken everything straight from the Lift book that is linked to from Lift\'s main website. Upon running it, I cannot submit my
In my case, I was missing following body
part that automatically seems to source liftAjax
<body class="lift:content_id=main">
<div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
But, in another case, sourcing jquery
manually would work with JQuery
module injected in Boot.scala
<script id="jquery" src="/classpath/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You don't need to manually include the liftAjax function, but you do need to include jquery manually. Lift will not automatically inject a reference to it since it doesn't know what version, minification level, or location you want to use. Try adding:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
To the head section of your template.