Novice needs to loop lm in R

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不思量自难忘° 2021-01-16 08:17

I\'m a PhD student of genetics and I am trying do association analysis of some genetic data using linear regression. In the table below I\'m regressing each \'trait\' agains

  • Personally I don't find the problem so easy. Specially for an R novice.

    Here a solution based on creating dynamically the regression formula. The idea is to use paste function to create different formula terms, y~ x + var + x * var then coercing the result string tp a formula using as.formula. Here y and x are the formula dynamic terms: y in c(trait1,trai2,..) and x in c(SNP1,SNP2,...). Of course here I use lapply to loop.

     y <- paste0('trait',i)
     x <- paste0('SNP',i)
     factor1 <- x
     factor2 <- 'var'
     factor3 <- paste(x,'var',sep='*')
     listfactor <- c(factor1,factor2,factor3)
     form <- as.formula(paste(y, "~",paste(listfactor,collapse="+")))
     lm(formula = form, data = dat)

    I hope someone come with easier solution, ore more R-ish one:)


    Thanks to @DWin comment , we can simplify the formula to just y~x*var since it means y is modeled by x,var and x*var

    So the code above will be simplified to :

         y <- paste0('trait',i)
         x <- paste0('SNP',i)
         LHS <- paste(x,'var',sep='*')
         form <- as.formula(paste(y, "~",LHS)
         lm(formula = form, data = dat)
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