How do I visual select a calculation backwards?

后端 未结 2 1788
予麋鹿 2021-01-16 07:40

I would like to visual select backwards a calculation p.e.

200 + 3 This is my text -300 +2 + (9*3)

This is text 0,2         

  • 2021-01-16 08:23

    This seems quite a complicated task after all to achieve with regex, so if you can avoid it in any way, try to do so.

    I've created a regex that works for a few examples - give it a try and see if it does the trick:


    The part that you are interested in should be in the first matching group.

    Let me know if you need an explanation.


    ^ - match the beginning of a line

    (?:[A-Za-z]|\s)+ - match everything that's a letter or a space once or more

    match and capture the following 3:
    ((?:[^A-Za-z]+)? - match everything that's NOT a letter (i.e. in your case numbers or operators)

    (?:log|sqrt|abs|round|ceil|floor|sin|cos|tan) - match one of your keywords

    [^A-Za-z]+) - match everything that's NOT a letter (i.e. in your case numbers or operators)

    (?:[A-Za-z]|\s)* - match everything that's a letter or a space zero or more times

    $ - match the end of the line

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  • 2021-01-16 08:26

    A regex that comes close in pure vim is


    There are limitations: subexpressions (including function arguments) aren't parsed. You'd need to use a proper grammar parser to do that, and I don't recommend doing that in pure vim1

    Operator Mapping

    To enable using this a bit like text-objects, use something like this in your $MYVIMRC:

    func! DetectExpr(flag)
        let regex = '\v\c\s*\zs(\s{-}(((sqrt|log|sin|cos|tan|exp)?\(.{-}\))|(-?[0-9,.]+(e-?[0-9]+)?)|([-+*/%^]+)))+(\s*\=?)?\s*' 
        return searchpos(regex, a:flag . 'ncW', line('.'))
    func! PositionLessThanEqual(a, b)
        "echo 'a: ' . string(a:a)
        "echo 'b: ' . string(a:b)
        if (a:a[0] == a:b[0])
            return (a:a[1] <= a:b[1]) ? 1 : 0
            return (a:a[0] <= a:b[0]) ? 1 : 0
    func! SelectExpr(mustthrow)
        let cpos  = getpos(".")
        let cpos  = [cpos[1], cpos[2]] " use only [lnum,col] elements
        let begin = DetectExpr('b')
        if ( ((begin[0] == 0) && (begin[1] == 0))
          \ || !PositionLessThanEqual(begin, cpos) )
            if (a:mustthrow)
                throw "Cursor not inside a valid expression"
                "echoerr "not satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos)
            return 0
        "echo "satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos)
        call setpos('.', [0, begin[0], begin[1], 0])
        let end = DetectExpr('e')
        if ( ((end[0] == 0) || (end[1] == 0))
          \ || !PositionLessThanEqual(cpos,  end) )
            call setpos('.', [0, cpos[0], cpos[1], 0])
            if (a:mustthrow)
                throw "Cursor not inside a valid expression"
                "echoerr "not satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos) . " < " . string(end) 
            return 0
        "echo "satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos) . " < " . string(end) 
        norm! v
        call setpos('.', [0, end[0],   end[1],   0])
        return 1
    silent! unmap X
    silent! unmap <M-.>
    xnoremap <silent>X :<C-u>call SelectExpr(0)<CR>
    onoremap <silent>X :<C-u>call SelectExpr(0)<CR>

    Now you can operator on the nearest expression around (or after) the cursor position:

    • vX - [v]isually select e[X]pression
    • dX - [d]elete current e[X]pression
    • yX - [y]ank current e[X]pression
    • "ayX - id. to register a

    As a trick, use the following to arrive at the exact ascii art from the OP (using virtualedit for the purpose of the demo):

    Insert mode mapping

    In response to the chat:

    " if you want trailing spaces/equal sign to be eaten:
    imap <M-.> <C-o>:let @e=""<CR><C-o>"edX<C-r>=substitute(@e, '^\v(.{-})(\s*\=?)?\s*$', '\=string(eval(submatch(1)))', '')<CR>
    " but I'm assuming you wanted them preserved:
    imap <M-.> <C-o>:let @e=""<CR><C-o>"edX<C-r>=substitute(@e, '^\v(.{-})(\s*\=?\s*)?$', '\=string(eval(submatch(1))) . submatch(2)', '')<CR>

    allows you to hit Alt-. during insert mode and the current expression gets replaced with it's evaluation. The cursor ends up at the end of the result in insert mode.

    200 + 3 This is my text -300 +2 + (9*3)
    This is text 0.25 + 2.000 + sqrt(15/1.5)

    Tested by pressing Alt-. in insert 3 times:

    203 This is my text -271
    This is text 5.412278

    For Fun: ascii art


    To easily test it yourself:

    :let @q="vXoyo\x1b`<jPvXr-r|e.a*\x1b"
    :set virtualedit=all

    Now you can @q anywhere and it will ascii-decorate the nearest expression :)

    200 + 3 = 203 -300 +2 + (9*3) =
    200 + 3 = 203 -300 +2 + (9*3)
    This is text 0,25 + 2.000 + sqrt(15/1.5)

    1 consider using Vim's python integration to do such parsing

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