I have an Array say A=(11,23,32,44,56,88,55,14,78,79) And B=(44,56,88,55,14) .Now using VBScript can I perform Set operation MINUS to get an other
You can do that in Excel vba if u have named ranges Acol
Range("C3:C10").FormulaArray = "=Acol-Bcol"
No, vbs or vba cannot directly do a minus operation on two array ( no build-in function ) You must use loops and here is a good reference for array operations in vba http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbaarrays.htm
Perhaps it's not a surprise that Dictionaries are the VBScript tool to implement (fake?) sets and operations on them. See this Set demo.
BTW: If you have to deal with more than one thingy, you'll have to loop or ask someone else to loop for you. Insisting on "no loop, please" makes no sense. If 'it works', you may optimize by replacing multiple loops (n x m .. x z) by lookup tables or pre-computations, but you won't understand the problem, if you don't think of loopings.