The case I am working on is dividing a big three-dimensional array of data that I have collected using good coding practises (etc...) and now I need to segment the layers of
Your disclaimer sounds convincing :-) I'll get those downvotes too. But, to be clear: using separate variables for this is bad practice.
You can use assignin to create the variables and assign them values:
for ii = 1:n
assignin('base', ['user_' num2str(ii)], BigData(:,:,ii));
And yes, using separate variables for this is bad practice.
Try using eval() - but as you said it is seen as a very bad practice. If you still want to use this, it is straight forward like:
for i = 1:n
eval(['user_',num2str(i),' = BigData(:,:,',num2str(i),');']);