I\'m working on a dictionary server via telnet, and I\'d like it to return it in this format:
**word** (wordType): wordDef wordDef wordDef wordDef
wordDef w
Consider using using something like VT100 escape sequences. Since your server is telnet based the user is likely to have a client that supports various terminal modes.
For instance if you wanted to turn on bold for a VT100 terminal you would output
where "ESC" is the character value 0x1b. To switch back to normal formatting output
To use this in your application you can change the example lines from your question to the following.
std::string str = "Hello!"
write( my_socket, "\x1b[1m", 4); // Turn on bold formatting
write( my_socket, str.c_str(), str.size()); // output string
write( my_socket, "\x1b[0m", 4); // Turn all formatting off
There other terminal modes such as VT52, VT220, etc. You might want to look into using ncurses although it might be a bit heavy if all you need is simple bold on/off.