So, I was trying to add 6 rows into the excelsheet. And I used openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet.Worksheet.insert_rows(ws,idx=0,amount=6) to help m
Let's say you want to add 3 rows at the top of your table, you'll first have to shift down the merged cells and then insert the rows;
For this we are going to use the shift(col_shift=0, row_shift=0)
Help on method shift in module openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range:
shift(col_shift=0, row_shift=0) method of openpyxl.worksheet.cell_range.CellRange instance
Shift the range according to the shift values (*col_shift*, *row_shift*).
:type col_shift: int
:param col_shift: number of columns to be moved by, can be negative
:type row_shift: int
:param row_shift: number of rows to be moved by, can be negative
:raise: :class:`ValueError` if any row or column index < 1
The number of rows you want to insert must coincide with the numbers of rows you shift; So for your example you'll just have to:
merged_cells_range = ws.merged_cells.ranges
for merged_cell in merged_cells_range:
So in the end the merged cells are preserved