I have a Listview
that will list the alarms which are in the database.I need to add a Toggle
Button beside each list item to set the alarm on/off
Try creating a custom adapter like:
public class YourAdapter extends BaseAdapter
and a custom layout for the rows with a toggle button (you will have to inflate the layout in the method geView).
Here you can find an example: http://www.softwarepassion.com/android-series-custom-listview-items-and-adapters/
Hope this helps..
There is no small snippet ans. to your problem. I assume you need to have multi-selection. Now here are the things you need.
Since you are using SimpleCursorAdapter
, you should replace that with CursorAdapter
. To do so you have to extend it as it is a abstract adapter. Once you done that you will be overriding two functions.
Where you will create your list item views by inflating R.layout.alarm_row
(it should contain your toggle button too). You have make toggle button non-clickable.bindView
where you will set state of toggle button and text for your text viewThat said this what you need on the Activity side.
in xml or using setChoiceMode
.Now bindView
will look like:
ListView lv = ((ListActivity)context).getListView();
// Containing all check states
SparseBooleanArray sba = lv.getCheckedItemPositions();
// I am using check box
// Cursor is passed as an argument.
if(sba != null)
Ref to docs:
CursorAdapter docs