Need to find median value of time difference between sent date and click date (in seconds) for each type of emails. I found solution just for all data:
First, you need to enumerate the rows for each type. Using variables, this code looks like:
select sc.*,
(@rn := if(@t = id_type, @rn + 1,
if(@t := id_type, 1, 1)
) as seqnum
from (select timestampdiff(second, s.date_sent, c.date_click) as time_diff,
from emails_sent s inner join
emails_clicks c
on = c.id_email
order by time_diff
) sc cross join
(select @t := -1, @rn := 0) as params;
Then, you need to bring in the total number for each type and do the calculation for the median:
select sc.id_type, avg(time_diff)
from (select sc.*,
(@rn := if(@t = id_type, @rn + 1,
if(@t := id_type, 1, 1)
) as seqnum
from (select timestampdiff(second, s.date_sent, c.date_click) as time_diff,
from emails_sent s inner join
emails_clicks c
on = c.id_email
order by time_diff
) sc cross join
(select @t := -1, @rn := 0) as params
) sc join
(select id_type, count(*) as cnt
from emails_sent s inner join
emails_clicks c
on = c.id_email
group by id_type
) n
where 2 * seqnum in (n.cnt, n.cnt, n.cnt + 1, n.cnt + 2)
group by sc.id_type;