How to create a single series bar graph with Highcharts

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-16 04:14

I\'m trying to create a simple Highcharts bar graph with a single series and multiple labels in the legend. How is this done?

Here is an example:


  • 2021-01-16 04:32

    Luckily, Highcharts is pretty flexible. We can do some tricks (maybe hacks?) to achieve this kind of "non-convential" tasks.

    What you could do in your case is create "fake" serieses, and use custom event handlers:

        series: [
                color: colors[0],
                data: [
                    {y: 6, name: 'First', color: colors[0]},
                    {y: 7, name: 'Second', color: colors[1]},
                    {y: 9, name: 'Third', color: colors[2]},
                    {y: 1, name: 'Fourth', color: colors[3]},
                    {y: 1, name: 'Fifth', color: colors[4]}
            {color: 'blue'},
            {color: 'green'},
            {color: 'yellow'},
            {color: 'orange'},
            {color: 'red'}

    In order to format the legend labels we can use labelFormatter for the legend:

        legend: {
            labelFormatter: function(){
                return names[this.index-1];

    this will set the legend label to the name of the corresponding point.

    And finally we need to handle the legend click, to imitate the "normal" behaviour:

        plotOptions: {
            series: {
                events: {
                    legendItemClick: function (x) {
                        var i = this.index  - 1;
                        var series = this.chart.series[0];
                        var point = series.points[i];   
                        if(point.oldY == undefined)
                           point.oldY = point.y;
                        point.update({y: point.y != null ? null : point.oldY});

    These are just examples, you can obviously improve this and adjust to your own need.

    Good Luck!

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  • 2021-01-16 04:48

    A simpler way than the accepted answer is by setting the categories key as an array of 'labels' and the as an array of 'values'.

    Here is an example that uses a collection (Array of objects) or a flat object to populate a bar chart in Highcharts (jsfiddle):

    The example assumes a an array of objects with keys name/value, or a simple object of key/value:

    var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
        title: {
            text: 'Simple Bar'
        chart: {type: 'bar'},
         xAxis: {
         // categories: Object.keys(obj)
         // or
            categories: =>
            series: [{
            name: 'Usage',
            colorByPoint: true,
         // data: Object.values(obj)
         // or:
            data: => i.value)
        legend: false
    0 讨论(0)