if the following url is hit in browser the docx file will be downloaded i want to automate the download with python.
i have saved the ms word docx file through this
import requests
def save_link(book_link, book_name):
the_book = requests.get(book_link, stream=True)
with open(book_name, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in the_book.iter_content(1024 * 1024 * 2): # 2 MB chunks
save_link("https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/app/conversion/docx/?library=ECHR&id=001-176931&filename=CASE%20OF%20NDIDI%20v.%20THE%20UNITED%20KINGDOM.docx&logEvent=False","CASE OF NDIDI v. THE UNITED KINGDOM.docx")