If I have an RDD with volumes per minute, e.g.
((\"12:00\" -> 124), (\"12:01\" -> 543), (\"12:02\" -> 102), ... )
And I want to go
Converting to a data frame and using window functions can cover lag, average and possible gaps:
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{lag, avg, when}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss")
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("12:00:00" -> 124), ("12:01:00" -> 543), ("12:02:00" -> 102),
("12:30:00" -> 100), ("12:31:00" -> 101)
).map{case (ds, vol) => (fmt.parseDateTime(ds), vol)})
val df = rdd
// Convert to millis for window range
.map{case (dt, vol) => (dt.getMillis, vol)}
.toDF("ts", "volume")
val w = Window.orderBy($"ts")
val transformed = df.select(
$"ts", $"volume",
// Check if we have data from the previous minute
(lag($"ts", 1).over(w) - $"ts").equalTo(-60000),
// If so get lag otherwise 0
lag($"volume", 1).over(w)).otherwise(0).alias("previous_volume"),
// Average over window
avg($"volume").over(w.rangeBetween(-300000, 0)).alias("average"))
// Optionally go to back to RDD
case Row(ts: Long, volume: Int, previousVolume: Int, average: Double) =>
(new DateTime(ts) -> (volume, previousVolume, average))
Just be aware that window functions without window partitioning are quite inefficient.