I have the same problem as in this link
but with multiple patterns. My regex is like:
Pattern word = Pattern.compile("([\\w]+ [\\d]+)|([\\d]+ suit
You could try the below regex which uses positive lookahead assertion.
(?=(\b\w+ Road \d+\b)|(\b\d+ suite\b))
String s = "XYZ Road 123 Suite";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(?i)(?=(\\b\\w+ Road \\d+\\b)|(\\b\\d+ suite))").matcher(s);
if(m.group(1) != null) System.out.println(m.group(1));
if(m.group(2) != null) System.out.println(m.group(2));
XYZ Road 123
123 Suite
(?=(\b[\w]+ [\d]+))|(?=(\b[\d]+ suite))|(?=(\b[\w]+ road))
Try this.See demo.Grab the captures.
Use positive lookahead
to avoid string being consumed.
Something like this, maybe?
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\\w ] Road) (\\d+) (Suite)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
if(m.find) {
System.out.println(m.group(1) + " " + m.group(2));
System.out.println(m.group(2) + " " + m.group(3));