I have a huge table with many columns and I know that this columns sometimes takes some specific value \'MyValue\'. How can I select all the rows in that one specific table
You can do this by reversing the value and column in In
FROM Mytable
WHERE 'Myvalue' IN ( Col1, Col2, col3,.... )
If you don't want to type the columns, then pull it from information_schema.column
view and create a dynamic query
You can concatenate all columns with +
and then perform a LIKE
FROM data
WHERE col1 + '#' + col2 + '#' + col3 like '%test%'
Adding a separator (I use #
) between the columns ensures you won't get false positives from the concatenation, e.g. if col2 = 'te' and col3 = 'st'
SQL Fiddle
To do it without a special procedure in a simple statement, you could convert each row to XML and then use an XQuery on the XML to search for any value in the row that matches. So for example:
declare @SearchValue as varchar(20)
set @SearchValue = 'MyValue'
select *
--,(select MyTable.* for XML PATH (''),TYPE) AllColumns
--,convert(nvarchar(255),(select MyTable.* for XML PATH (''),TYPE).query('for $item in * where $item=sql:variable("@SearchValue") return $item')) FoundColumns
from MyTable
where convert(nvarchar(255),(select MyTable.* for XML PATH (''),TYPE).query('for $item in * where $item=sql:variable("@SearchValue") return $item'))<>''
A procedure specifically designed for this task could probably do this more efficiently and could take advantage of indexes... etc. Honestly I would not put this into a production database solution without quite a bit of consideration, but as a throw together search tool it's not bad. I ran a search on a 700,000 record table in 40 seconds. However if I filter by each column individually it runs nearly instantly. Also a few more caveats: