Angular: running function in controller when all directives are loaded

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-16 01:54

I\'m trying to come up with some code which allows me to run a function in the controller but only once the whole dom is setup and ready (including the directives link funct

  • 2021-01-16 02:36

    Using $timeout would be terrible. Don't do that. You can't define how long a server call is going to take.

    I would recommend using this pattern:

    • Have the controller use a service to load some data, and have the promise in the controller assign the return data to a scope variable.
    • Pass that scope variable into your directive.
    • Setup a watch in the directive link function, when it loads it will go from undefined to desired value. Done!

    // in your controller

    YourService.all().then(function(data) {
      $ = data;

    // in your view

    <some-directive your-data="data"></some-directive>

    // in your directive

    angular.module('blah.directives').directive('someDirective', function() {
        return {
          scope: {
            yourData: '='
          link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var watcher = scope.$watch('yourData', function() {
              if(scope.yourData === undefined) return;
              // at this point your data will be loaded, do work
              // optionally kill watcher at this point if it's not going to update again
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