I am trying to make a checkbox to be able to filter the dataset by years. However not every variable has all the data for every year so I wanted only the years where the var
Here is a working example using mtcars
dataset which is going to help you achieve dynamic checkboxGroupInput
and further filtering of data frame:
data <- mtcars
ui = fluidPage(
selectInput("select1", "select cyl:", choices = unique(data$cyl)),
server = function(input, output) {
output$checkbox <- renderUI({
choice <- unique(data[data$cyl %in% input$select1, "gear"])
checkboxGroupInput("checkbox","Select gear", choices = choice, selected = choice[1])
output$table <- renderDataTable({
data <- data %>% filter(cyl %in% input$select1) %>% filter(gear %in% input$checkbox)
You do not really need to use conditionalPanel
, it works much better in your case if you just move checkboxGroupInput
to the server and use input$select
to filter your choices.
First of all: Your example code is not good, you should learn how to create reproducible example
Second of all:
Your code has a quite few mistakes such as giving three checkboxGroupInput
widgets same ID (Year), which is not going to work, the ID must be unique for each widget in shiny.