I have the following jquery code that allows me to use tabs, to tab back and fourth between content/divs. My question is using the code below, how could I have it load the i
Detecting changes on the URL fragment (#whatever) is hard to do crossbrowser without a little help. I usually use Ben Alman's BBQ plugin:
If I'm misunderstanding and you just want to load a tab based on the INITIAL url, you could just do it by detecting the hash:
$(".tabs > li a[href=" + window.location.hash + "]").click();
This assumes that your tab is linking to href="#foo", and that the URL you visit is mysite.com/pagename#foo
You can use gup function,found here:
function gup( name )
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
This will allow you to read a URL parameter and use it to navigate to the selected tab.
You can get the hash value in a url using window.location.hash
. From there, you just need to do some slight checking to determine what tab should be shown.
Here's a live example. Please note that we can't actually use window.location.hash
in jsFiddle because it uses iFrames, which means the address you see in the browser's address bar isn't the value the code itself will get. Therefore, you can play around with it simply by setting the value of the hash
variable directly in the code.
Anyway, assume this is your HTML:
Then your JavaScript would be:
hash = window.location.hash
index = parseInt(hash.replace('tab','')) - 1;
if(isNaN(index)){ //if the hash isn't a valid tab
index = 0;
You should probably also check first to make sure $('div').eq(index)
actually exists, resorting to showing the first tab if it doesn't (just like we do if the hash analysis doesn't produce a legitimate value).
Hopefully this will help: -
var tab_id = $(this).attr('href');
var split = tab_id.split('#');
split = split[1];
if (split = "page 2") {
} else {
// Default condition
JS Fiddle Example here - http://jsfiddle.net/aNMBW/