Xamarin\'s ListView
defines a 1-argument constructor as follows:
public ListView([Parameter(\"CachingStrategy\")] ListViewCachingStrategy cachin
To make things simpler, I would recommend creating a BindableProperty for IsReadOnly
. But you can always use x:Arguments to pass in parameters to constructor:
<local:ItemListControl ...>
EDIT - 1
There is one hack that you can use - (I wouldn't recommend as this could change anytime with an update in XAMLC compilation) - but you can make sure to keep the namespace same as the one used internally while defining the parameter attribute.
namespace Xamarin.Forms
internal sealed class ParameterAttribute : Attribute
public ParameterAttribute(string name)
Name = name;
public string Name { get; }
And XAML usage would look like:
<local:ItemListControl IsReadOnly="true" .. />
EDIT - 2 This hack only seems to work if XAMLCompilation is applied to host control/page.