I am trying out bash, and I am trying to make a simple hangman game now.
Everything is working but I don\'t understand how to do one thing:
I am showing the
You don't show what you tried, but parameter expansion works fine.
$ alphabet=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
$ word="hello world"
$ guesses=aetl
$ echo "${word//[^[:space:]$guesses]/*}"
*ell* ***l*
$ echo "${alphabet//[$guesses]/*}"
First store both strings in files where they are stored one char per line:
sed 's/./&\n/g' | sort <<< $guess > guessfile
sed 's/./&\n/g' | sort <<< $word > wordfile
Then we can filter the words that are only present in one of the files and paste the lines together as a string:
grep -xvf guessfile wordfile | paste -s -d'\0'
And of course we clean up after ourselves:
rm wordfile
rm guessfile
If the output is not correct, try switching arguments in grep (i.e. wordfile guessfile
instead of guessfile wordfile